I’m Glad You’re Here.
In Brief…

I am a Life Coach and Transformational Guide. I am the founder of the Socratic Center in New York City and the Socratic Counseling method.

I am dedicated to helping women facilitate powerful change in their lives. With a steadfast commitment to my crafts, I am proud to have become highly regarded in the field and grateful for the respect and loyalty I receive from my clients.

My professional background is in business entrepreneurship; my educational background is in psychology and philosophy.

My Roots

I was born in Jamaica. As a teenager, I broke free of expectations and boarded a one-way flight to America with no money, no job, and no connections. I built my life in New York and I’ve been living it ‘my way’ ever since. Having found my own liberation, I am passionate about empowering others to find theirs.


The Socratic Center &
The Socratic Counseling Method

I am founder of the Socratic Center and the Socratic Counseling Method.

I am proud to be a highly regarded coach. I am grateful for the respect and loyalty I receive from my clients.

Professional Affiliations


My Work and What I do

I work with women who are powerful on the outside. They are professionals, raise children, have a spouse, and create great things—yet they feel stifled. Expectations of their work, culture, religion, society, and family weigh them down. I help my clients break free from the hold of such expectations. I cherish being a guide for my clients on their individual pathways, helping each to liberate herself, reclaim her own power, and achieve her personal freedom.

The Sessions

Using the unique and innovative methods of Socratic Counseling, I help each client examine her life to gain powerful insights and knowledge about herself. I help her open doors that lead to the realization of her dreams, goals, and aspirations. These methods can remove barriers of fear, doubt, and hidden beliefs that inhibit personal development and success and empower her to move forward, fearlessly and confidently.

My Mission

I will challenge you to start creating the life you want and deserve through self-examination and guide you to:

  • Gain awareness that—no matter what your current life situation is—what you seek is absolutely attainable

  • Grow to appreciate that, as an individual, you are not meant to be a well-balanced servant to the will and values of others

  • Help you understand that you are not intended to be safe or similar. In fact, each of us is meant to be explorers of our world, unique and fully self-realized

  • Become deeply liberated, take back your power, and find more profound pleasure in all areas of your life


My Philosophies

The Path To Liberation Is Not A Solitary One

The truth is, reading books, taking psychological tests, or trying a cookie-cutter process aren’t going to work. Going on this journey alone is futile because the fog of doubt and fear you work so hard to hide is actually always in the way.

An outside, objective perspective is necessary to achieve real and lasting change. An enlightening, freeing and caring association with someone you can trust can offer hope, unlock the closet of your mind to encourage exploration and discovery, challenge self-defeating and unwarranted condemnation, and ignite the soul. All things you need—right now.

You Are Not Alone

I can help you achieve your goals. Not only will I listen, but I will skillfully and gently guide you through liberating your full potential. And I promise you, your full potential is magnificent.



You are a unique individual, one worthy of finding all the pleasure this life has to offer. By letting go of expectations that go against your instinctive nature, you can, finally, be—and love—who you truly are.

Through the process of open and non-judgmental discovery, you will have the freedom to explore who you are deep inside, who you are meant to be—the joyful, powerful, passionate, feminine, real you.

Let me guide you on your journey

I invite you to find and experience deeper, more profound pleasure in all areas of your life—from personal relationships to work environments and everything in between.